Tommy, Tomas, or Tom

Hi Everyone!

My name is Tomas Frausto and this is where I come to blog and share some of my tech projects and experiences from work.  I’m really excited to publish about my life and everyday things that are fun like my hobbies and passions.  Maybe I’ll also throw in a few problems here and there too but I’ll be adding tutorials in the near future when I really start to dive in.


Tom and Meg

Tom and Meg

I’m an engineering supervisor at BD helping develop and test medical devices (see here).  I’m a computer engineer and I’ve been working on various hobby projects for the last 15 years so it could be fun to document some now.

I see a ton of great projects happening in the world and I really want to help spread the word.  I’m an active supporter at Kickstarter and Indiegogo so you’ll definitely see some articles on projects that are really making a difference.  Who knows, maybe I’ll launch a product someday!

A few of these early posts I imagine will be more like journal entries so I can get a handle on how everything works. After I get a little more comfortable, I’ll be creating some how-to’s and eventually even full tutorials or instructional series about things I know. Most things will be centered around technology, programming, and engineering skills that I want to share.

I also have a passion for business and entrepreneurship so you might see some of that infused with the technology topics.


Thanks for reading!



PS – Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any suggestions or advice.  I’m still learning.

Author: tomfrausto

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